
family (1) Spring (2) vacation (1)

Friday, December 31, 2010

res·o·lu·tion (rĕzˌə-lo͞oˈshən)

Picture from Emma Clements blog...via this picture made me smile so thought I'd share it.

res·o·lu·tion (rĕzˌə-lo͞oˈshən) 
  1. The state or quality of being resolute; firm determination.
  2. A resolving to do something.
  3. A course of action determined or decided on.
* thank you google for clearing up the definition for me!

After reading the definition of resolution. I pondered what I want to resolve to do this year... Last year, I had a bunch of goals. Some I achieved, some I changed and some I said what the heck was I thinking and decided to say no thank you and move on! 

Thinking about this year and what I want I thought, what is important to me?....Family, health and happiness, these are the things, I care most about. So it is decided. That is what I am going to focus on this year. I would love to do some traveling. I want to see the world and I hope to scratch a country or 2 off my list this year. hint hint babe! *coughing (Europe, Italy)! That would be nice! Or, I would love to go volunteer in Africa and bring home a cute little African baby to adopt. That would be an amazing experience. So many choices.

I hope everyone has a happy and healthy year and that is what I am going to strive for this year! I wish you the best of luck on what ever it is you resolve to do this year!

Goodbye 2010....

I'm having a little trouble saying goodbye, as I feel like I just said hello to you! Even though I feel like this year was packed full of new adventures, loss and births, it feels like it just began. Let me see where to begin.... In February we said goodbye to Galen's Auntie. She was such a special lady. I am glad I was able to meet her a couple times and see how much she loved all of their family. She was a wonderful lady and so funny. While it was an awful time for Galen and his family, I did get to meet his cousins that I had never met in the almost 8 years of being part of Galen's life. We went to Ohio for the funeral and Galen and I got to see Ohio in the winter. It was beautiful! Galen wants to buy a farm house and move there. I am ok with it as long as it is an amazing farm house and I can visit home whenever I want. Maybe 2011 will bring us closer to this dream of owning a farm in the middle of now where and just enjoying life....

In April, we took a mini vacation to Oregon to see Galen's family and celebrate their family friend Gough's birthday.  I would post pictures but just realized I don't have any on this computer...

We also celebrated Galen's birthday and my parents and I bought him a bike. We took lots of bike rides and saw lots of new places around here. One ride in particular we were on a trail that was called rock writings so of course we thought there would be "rock writings" but we road and road and could not find any, so we ditched the bikes and hiked. We walked and walked and didn't find any so we turned around. Galen was in the lead, THANK GOODNESS, and he came up on a snake. Of course he told me not to come any further and I knew right away what was going on. So me being the smart person I am got off my bike picked it up and began to run out of there! Fight or flight... Flight is what apparently took over.

During the spring I also said goodbye to one of my favorite professors as she passed away from cancer. I have never watched anyone deteriorate and actually pass away from cancer, which was tough for all of her students and I am sure it was even more tough for her and her family. While I am thankful for all I learned from her and the chance I had to know her and have her be part of my life, I still am mad or sad (not sure) that someone so great and so young was taken so early and had to suffer as she did. But I am so thankful at the same time for all that she taught me and all that I learned. I thank you Adi for being part of my life and teaching me so much.

In May Galen's mom came to visit for a weekend. We took a hike in Zion and of course I ran into a snake! What the heck is with me and snakes!?! I hate them, I hate them... Lois told me snake must be my totem and so I googled it and well it sounds very much like me so I guess that is why I must run into them all the time.

At the end of May/ beginning of June, I went home for a visit... I finally got to meet Holly's little boy and we hit it off. He loved me. In fact he loved me so much he dumped water and apple juice all over me! It was pretty funny! I got to spend a week with my mom and dad it was a blast even though it rained all but maybe 2 days. I also got to see my brother and his very pregnant wife.

June.... huh, I don't remember what happened in June. I guess it wasn't too exciting. In July we met Galen's mom at Capitol Reef National Park. None of us had ever been there and it was so amazing. It was super cold and rainy but beautiful. Galen was sick and spent the weekend at the cabin sleeping and Lois and I hiked and hiked and hiked some more. We took lots of pictures and enjoyed to outdoors.

At the end of July my niece Cassidy was born. It was totally amazing to talk to my brother and hear how happy he was and how excited to be a dad he was.

August I celebrated my 28th birthday...Can you believe I am almost 30? I am kind of depressed about it! For my birthday I got a plane ticket to go home and meet my niece. She was perfect in every way! Mostly because she looked just like me as a newborn :) When I got back we went from summer to full swing holiday at Old Navy and the rest is a blur.

At the end of October my mom, my aunt Cathy and Theresa came for a visit and to see "Thriller" at Tuachan. It was so much fun, we hiked, we, shopped, we cooked, we ate, we laughed and oh did we laugh! It was fun. I love when my mom comes to visit! I miss her so much. She is truly my best friend and I enjoy any time I get to spend with her. I love you moo!

On November 24th Galen was diagnosed with diabetes. He has responded wonderfully to the meds and change in diet and what not and is doing much better. Needless to say though Thanksgiving wasn't the best it could have been. It was Galen's last binge on junk food and day 2 of knowing he had diabetes so we were really unsure what to do, what to expect or really anything and everything.

December has flown by.... We spent Christmas in St. George with Galen's mom and dad. It was a quick visit. Mack was super excited for Christmas, he was just like a child. He woke up really early when he heard Lois out in the kitchen cooking and then ran back and forth jumping on the bed until I woke up. Then it was on like donkey kong... Once I wake up on Christmas morning there is no stopping me. Now, we are here on the last day of the year and I am thinking where did the time go???

But I am excited to see what new adventures 2011 brings. So even though I say goodbye to 2010 not knowing where you went or even when you began. I say goodbye and I say hello to 2011. I am looking forward to the new adventures and the new chapters we will write together. I am thankful for the wonderful friends and family Galen and I have.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

It's the most wonderful time of the year....

This year Galen's mom and dad came to St. George and spent Christmas with us. We hung out on the 24th and then we got up bright and early Christmas morning and opened presents. Mack was so funny he heard Lois up cooking and so he had to come check things out and then it began. In and out of the room bouncing on the bed trying to get us up. I was ready though....Galen on the other hand would have rather slept all day. After breakfast we went for a hike up at Zion National Park. It was a beautiful crisp day and perfect for a nice walk. After all the flooding we have had lately there was a beautiful waterfall that I have never seen before. I took lots of pictures.

We got bamboo flooring which I will post pix when we install it and I got a macbook which I <3 it is a-maz-ing!

Sunday, December 19, 2010


I was able to get some maternity shots of my friend and her husband and their little bun in the oven! I love taking maternity and baby pictures everyone is just so stinkin happy! Congrats you two! 

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A few of my favorite things....

While the Holiday's make me extremely homesick, this is my favorite time of the year. So I find myself sitting on my couch thinking of my favorite things.... Glitter its so pretty and I adore it. I love the smell of Christmas trees. Or in our case since Mack would eat a real Christmas tree we opt for a fake one with some Bath and Body works evergreen wallflowers. I love shopping as most of you know but what I really love is shopping for others and finding a fun gift. I also love decorating and I really love Christmas decor. Oh and of course I love to bake and eat all of the yummy foods this time of the year. I also love finding the perfect wrapping paper to wrap my gifts in and then hearing the crinkle and rip as you tear it off Christmas morning. I love when my dog lays on my feet and keeps them warm. Christmas movies are part of my list too.

I love waking up on a crisp morning and finding my slippers and a sweatshirt and cuddling up on the couch with a nice toasty drink(coffee, apple cider, hot chocolate, tea etc) and a bowel of hot oatmeal. I love that my dog waits not so calmly as I down as much oatmeal as I can and then he gets to finish it off.One of my new favorite things is waking up smelling my husband cooking breakfast for himself, this may sound silly but it makes my heart sing to know he is taking care of his diabetes and knowinng this is the most important meal of the day. So most of all my favorite things would not be complete without my family and friends.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Another chapter in our life....

Galen's bloodsugar levels are getting better and better. He is adjusting to the whole diabetes thing well. He is really postive and taking everything in stride. I am so proud of him. He told me the other day that he could let this beat him or he could beat it and he isn't the first or the last person to get diagnosed with diabetes and he wasn't going to let it get him down. I know it is going to be a journey for the next few months until we figure everything out and and even bigger journey for him until he gets everything under control but I know he will come out on top. We are blessed to have such a supportive families.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I am thankful......

So the last few days Galen hasn't been feeling well and his dad suggested he have his blood sugar checked. So he went to the doc yesterday (Tuesday) and they ran a bunch of tests and today (Wednesday) he found out he has diabetes. We won't know until the rest of his test get back if it is Type 1 or 2. So for now he has to check his blood sugar and take insulin at night. I am sure he will have to change what he eats so thank goodness we have been eating a little more healthier and it will just have to get more healthy from here. I am so thankful he actually went to the doc because normally he puts off the doc until the last minute. * I have always found this strange since his dad is a doctor and yet Galen hates going to doctors....I guess maybe it is unfamiliar since he has had his dad his entire life where I am used to seeing someone I don't know. Back to my story...He is ok, I think in shock as am I. I know his dad has always worried about that for him but I guess I felt like he is active its not like he sits on the couch and drinks beer all day, he has started eating better and but I guess it just goes to show you things like this don't discriminate and you just have to take it in stride and be thankful you have your life and you know what to do to improve it.  I am very thankful that it is something he can manage and he is going to be ok once it gets under control. I just hate the feeling of unknown and I hate that he doesn't feel good. So in honor of Thanksgiving and being thankful. I am thankful for my husband and I am thankful for our families and friends and I am thankful that we know what is wrong and it can be fixed.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Needing Christmas cards..... read my post and you can learn how to get 50 cards for free!

If you are shopping around for a great place to order your holiday cards I have the place for you...A couple years ago I stumbled across when shopping around for Christmas card ideas. When I arrived at Shutterfly, I had looked at many different sites and many different designs and none were ones that I wanted. Then, I began scrolling through the cards on Shutterfly and found so many I loved.

 I was so happy with the way mine turned out  and how quickly they arrived, that I even ordered a photobook to use as our guestbook at our wedding. Which P.S. is the best idea I have had thus far...It was a great way to share all of the bridal and engagement pictures we spend so much money on and now we have an extra one that we could use as a coffee table book. That is if we actually used our coffee table. LOL!

The thing I love about Shutterfly the most is the affordability as well as the new designs they have each year. My favorite are the flat stationary photo cards which I will be using this year. Sorry, I can't tell you which one, I don't want to give away my suprise! But I will tell you, I love the card stock ones and I think everyone should order those. Although, the flat photo cards have some really cute designs this year. It will be a tough choice! I wish I had kiddos because I would totally take advantage of the story cards, I think that is such a cute way to share about what your family has been up too. In fact, I think I will talk my mom into those ones since we have added a cute little niece to our family this year! Oh that would be fun for her to have myself, my brothers and parents each share a few stories about our families! Yep, I just sold my idea to her, I know it! You can find your very own design by going to and if you visit you get a chance to get 50 cards free!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

{Johnson} Family

Just a peek for Michelle! It was a perfect morning for some fall pictures! Although, it was a little chilly after awhile! What a cute family!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

One-eyed green monster, sugar cookies....

I would love to take full credit for how darling these turned out but I saw them some where in blog land awhile ago. I needed a quick, cute, fevstive cookie for work and decided it was way too much work to frost and decorate all different Halloween shapes. Then, I remembered I had seen these and made them from what I could remember....I found the only sort of round cookie cutter I had (which was actually a flower, oops) and picked out all the black M & M's from the Halloween M & M's which really look brown to me so they would work too. I think they would be super cute if you dyed coconut green and put it on top of the green frosting to make "fur" but I didn't have any and didn't want to run to the store so I didn't. I used the neon food coloring because that green is just more "Monster" green.

The cookie: Basic butter cookie ---> My entire family uses it, no clue where the recipe originally came from. But it is easy and yummy! It's pretty much my standby recipe!
1 cup butter (softened)
1 1/2 cup powdered sugar
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla
2 1/2 cups flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cream of tarter
1/2 tsp salt

cream butter, vanilla, sugar and egg. Sift in dry ingrediants (I never sift them and they turn out just fine)
CHILL 1 hour
bake 350 degrees for 5-8 min

dump a can of fluffy or whipped vanilla frosting in a bowel add like 2 cups of powdered sugar ( I just dump to what I think) and use a mixer to whip it up.

I saved a little out for the white of the eye and then made the rest green. I frosted the cookie green and used my handy dandy frosting gun and put a dot of white in the center and added a M & M. They were super easy took maybe 20 minutes to frost 40 ish cookies. I say ish because I eat way too much of the dough while making them and then if I break one my dog Mack gets to enjoy it:) Have fun!

Monday, October 4, 2010

a great day!

On The Maternal lens there is a give away from Crave photography! see for more details on this great give away.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

It was a PAR-TAY!

We held a Zumba party at work (Old Navy) last night. We had quite the turn out! It was so much fun!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

It's hard not to smile.... pie... oh my!
My favorite time of the year has arrived! If I haven't mentioned it lately, I adore Fall. Everything about it tmakes me smile: the smells, the hot apple cider, the food, the decorations, the colors, the clothes, especially the clothes and of course the shoes! I busted out my cute Steve Madden boots but it is way too hot still to wear them. Dang it! I actually snuck them in the car to Salt Lake in hopes that it would be cool enough up there to wear them but it wasn't. Tear:( Crossing my fingers for the weather to change. Just to like the 70's or even high 60's that would be fine...

 I spent the day putting up all my Halloween decorations and some just Fall stuff.  I made most of them. As my dear friend said on facebook; if she didn't know better she would think I was a Mormon girl... I must say Utah has some crafty people and I blog stock most of them! LOL! I guess Utah has rubbed off on me and I will take that as a compliment as I adore these crafty Mormon ladies blogs and if I come close to any of their craftiness, I will take it. I had so much fun and now I am really in the mood for Fall!

My mom and my aunt are coming soon to go see Thriller! Oh how I love Thriller too! See every thing about Fall makes me happy! Ok, I guess I do get mighty home sick this time of the year but still I refuse to let that rain on my parade, not today any way!

Monday, September 27, 2010

That doesn't happen in smallville....

So last Wednesday, my friend was at the bank here when it was robbed at gun point. Needless to say, her life probably won't be the same for a while. Everyone that was in the bank at the time is safe and they caught the stupid robbers but not before they changed the lives of many people that were in the bank. I have been thinking about my friend and just so thankfull nothing happened to her. But then I get caught in this thought of, these things don't happen here and they sure don't happen to people I know... but they do and St.G isn't as safe as it once was.

I moved from small town Montana to St. Geoge. While it is much bigger than where I grew up it still has that "small town" feeling. I just can't believe the crime that has been erupting here as of late. I used to feel safe, feel like I did growning up in Montana but now I just think that everyone is crazy!

I know things happen every where and no where is exempt. I used to say I wouldn't want to live in Salt Lake because of the gangs and crime but thinking about it atleast I would be weary of things and not so shocked when bad things happen. For now, I just hope my friend is able to heal from the emotional trauma these stupid robbers caused and I hope the robbers get punished to the full extent!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

It's Fall ya'all...

The official first day of Fall, I spent walking around downtown Salt Lake City taking pictures. I walked to Temple Square and checked out all the old buildings.Once I got downtown, I couldn't see which way the Temple was. So standing at the crossroads and looking mighty confused I asked 2 bike cops for directions. I must have looked mighty confused because they road along side me to Temple Square. They tried convincing me to jump on TRAX train but I love looking at old buildings and homes. So, I chose to walk and enjoy the fresh air. The details and quality that were put into these old homes and buildings is amazing. I love the character they have and I am fascinated by how they were built with the little technology they had. I would love to own a historic home. I'm not really sure I would want the problems they often come with but I would adore the beauty and the history. So after spending a couple hours walking around Temple Square, I ventured back towards Galen's office. He called at just past 3:30 and said I needed to be back by 4 to leave for Orem or we would be stuck in traffic (I was over 6 blocks away). Since I couldn't explain exactly where I was I ran back to his office in my cute sandals. Arriving at 3:59 all sweaty and with sore feet... I made it safe and sound.

While we were up north we were able to meet up with some old friends and see their new home and meet their new puppy. Note to self...GPS doesn't always have the fastest route! It was great to see their new home and life they are building together. We are so happy for them!

Then running late in good Tiffanee fashion, we made it to the Gateway to meet Amanda and Shawn for dinner. I pretty much miss Amanda like crazy.... 4 years of school and work together everyday and now she is 5 ish hours away my life is just not the same:( Oh well she is happily married and back with her familia so I guess I'm happy for her. LOL! Of course I am happy for her.

I'm so excited for Fall. I love this time of the year the smells, the colors, the weather, the decorations.... I love it all and I was so happy to be able to actually take in some of this while I was up north since STG doesn't always share in these wonders of the seasons changing...

Thursday, September 16, 2010


So yesterday, I left work and noticed my gas light had popped on. In my brillant time saving mind frame, I thought, oh I have plenty of gas to run home and then to the Millers and stop at Costco after my hair cut. Well let me just tell you... it did not happen like that. I left the Millers, got to the end of their street, and my car was acting weird so I pulled over and then my car dies. Oooops no gas! When I realize what happened, I start laughing hysterically because this has NEVER happened to me before. My VW, I could drive to Vegas after my gas light came on and be ok. Not so much with this car...

So what do I do.... I call Galen instead of huffing it to the Millers and borrowing their gas can and never telling my husband. I must not have been thinking clearly because again in my saving time mind frame, I think well Galen is leaving to meet me at our hair appointment, I will just call him. He will think it was as funny as I do. Ummm, not so much to my suprise! He was PISSED and he never gets mad at me. And let me tell you I should have been blonde, I am always doing something silly.

So of course, I can't take him seriously as he is telling me he can't believe I did this and so on...(which my laughing probably made things much worse) But seriously is was so funny and I knew deep down he thought it was funny too!

In my mind I was calculating how much time I would save by doing it this way. Then I'm sitting there with no gas and the senario keeps playing through my head and I keep laughing harder and harder... Galen gets to my car and informs me how many gas stations I passed on my way to Jaime's house and I'm thinking I know silly goose but I like Costco gas better and I had to go there any way. Gosh, why don't you understand I was trying to save time! Plus, I hate pumping gas! I hate how you smell after getting gas. Girls should not smell like they have been working on their car all day.

So life lessons learned... get gas before light comes on and if you don't, get it immediately. Next, if you ever run out of gas huff it to the nearest friends house or use your AAA (your husband kindly signed you up for, for this reason) and DO NOT let your husband find out:)

Monday, August 30, 2010

It's true...

My doctor is awesome! I had my check up today for the 50 million meds I have to take for all of my stomach issues. Good news, I am officially "healthy" and I officially do not need to be on hardcore acid reflux meds any more. He says the changes I made with my diet and the other meds seem to be working and I can just take my not so hardcore acid reflux meds to manage my occasional heartburn/acid reflux. After 4 years and several doctors and lots of medicine I have finally improved and there is no need to change it up at this point. This is HUGE for me. For those that know me this time last year was not a good time and I really thought I was dieing.

It has been months since I have needed to pray to the porcelain god on a daily basis or cried myself to sleep because I was in so much pain. All I have to say is it is about time! And no I don't miss you any more gallbladder. It's a relief to know I have improved and also to feel better. It does suck to know I will always be on meds to manage my stomach issues but I'm just happy to be progressing and get a clean bill of health, minus the allergies I have going on.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Soft and squishy....

Baby Cassidy Ann had her first photo shoot while I was home. This picture cracks me up! I just want to squeeze those cute little cheeks and know what she is looking at. I am so excited to get my computer fixed and edit these but looking at this one on Galen's laptop I had to share! I am so glad I was able to go home and meet this precious little soul. She is so so adorable. Even tho she pooped on me.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

all about bustin' a move...

This summer has killed me! Not only has it been super duper hot but it has also been super humid. That plus a lot of early morning shifts at work equals not a lot of gym time.... So, starting tomorrow it is back to kickin' some boo-TAY! and for serious I'm getting a badunk a dunk so I'm going hardcore! I'm tired of feeling sluggish and blah. I think I need a challenge/goal so that I don't take it easy because easy workouts are so much more fun. Like Zumba (not that Zumba is easy but it's fun) I love it but this body is needing more than dancing at this point. Maybe some lipo to give me a jump start HAHA! No seriously, anyone know where I can get a deal on that? I need it in my cheeks and my triple chin and my belly, I'd even let them disperse it equally throughout my body because I do have some chicken legs!

In honor of healthier eating and what not. We went to the Costco and the grocery store and stocked up on some healthy alternatives to my deep fried taco's from Jack n' the crack and oh ya know all that frozen yogurt I love. (at least I'm eating yogurt and not ice cream tho right.) I have also officially sworn off all red meats which wasn't hard since I rarely eat it any how. Galen has been such a trooper and has let me use turkey meat in everything that requires hamburger which is awesome because it is so hard to cook 2 different meals especially when it is just 2 people. I <3 you babe! I although really wish that I could go back to being a vegetarian because my heart burn didn't exist back then but gosh that was such hard work and I really like cheese and yogurt now. Plus, I had to take iron stuff and if you have ever taken them you know why I don't want to EVER do that again....

Long story short, I need a Drill Sergeant to kick my boo-Tay in gear and smoke the shiz out of me. So who can scream at me to run faster, tell me to drop and give them a 100 and by golly get some sit ups knocked out??? Well if anyone feels they can handle this job let me know:) But I must warn I yell back and I can be pretty sarcastic.

* note to self: I think this is why you were so buff when you were in basic training one would think you would learn to keep your mouth shut and facial expressions in check but no not you. You just did lots of push-ups and had man shoulders.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Back to the grind....

After relaxing for another week in Montana it was back to work today... It's always hard to get back in the groove after being off for a week. Add on top of that getting the wire on my braces changed and having some super sore teeth it was a horrible day. Then I get home and order my bountiful basket and wait the printer is out of ink so I dig out the old printer and what do you know that one won't work anymore.... I hate days like this. But Galen brought me home a milkshake from In and Out and I am currently enjoying having something in my belly and not listening to my starving belly grawl.

While at home I took some pictures of my first niece and I am so excited to edit them. She is such a doll and was so fun and easy to photograph. Although she pooped all over my lap, I still love her. My brothers and my mom couldn't stop laughing. Ok, it was funny but seriously if it would have stunk they wouldn't have been laughing because they would have had puke all over them. But I have to say my favorite part was seeing how in love my brother is and how much he has grown up. He is a great daddy, she is going to be spoiled! Wait she already is... My mom and I pulled out baby pictures and it was so funny to see all of us and look at her and see who she looked most like. The vote was me of course:) Looking forward to seeing her grow up. I was excited to see my little nephew Billy since he was at his dad's last time. We built sandcastles and played games and just hung out. He is my little buddy and the cutest he always tells you that he thinks your beautiful and that he loves you:) So sweet and he just loves his baby sister. I hope he stays that way he will make some girl very happy.

We had Glitter toes night with my aunt and cousin Rilye and it was totally fun! Sparkly toes galore! I love having girl time. This was the first time in a long time that I just got to hang out with my mommy and I loved it. I miss her so much it sucks. I can't wait to be closer to them. More to come soon with pictures...

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Hot diggity....

Ok, once again the photo uploader is not working.... That however, will not spoil this girls birthday. What a great day, my dad started the birthday calls/texts first thing this morning. It was great to get a wake up call from my dad. Galen sent me flowers at work, so cute! (wanted to post a pic but not gonna happen) At work we had cake and lots of birthday wishes. We totally look for any excuse to have a cake day and it was fun to have it be my cake day. Ok I guess I shared , Drews birthday is tomorrow so it was only fair to share.

Then we went to dinner at the new Mexican place with Marty, Jaime & Ryan, Michelle & the kids. I love my friends, they are my family down here and I love any excuse to get together. We are so blessed to have such great friends in our lives. I don't know what I would do without them. Plus Jaime and I totally matched today so that just super rocks! Great minds they think alike, therefore we must have great minds.

Then we had Hawaiian guava cake which was amazing (Galen rocks for ordering it for me) the owners of Honolulu grill are awesome they let us enjoy it in there and even brought me a birthday shaved ice which if you haven't had "Hawaiian" shaved ice you must! Addison enjoyed sticking her fingers in it to get a taste before we cut it. She is such a funny kid, her little personality cracks me up along with how she say tipany aka Tiffanee. Atleast she doesn't say titnee like my neighbor used to say when we were little kids. Of course Dodge and I had a water mishap (I can never stay clean anyways) I think I goof off with him too much but he is my favorite little buddy. Plus, it was just water and I was a bit toasty any how. He just wanted to make sure I cooled off. HAHA.  It was a great birthday! Thank you everyone for making it so special!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

A get away weekend....

Capitol Reef National Park: Torey, Utah
The Torey Pine Cottage... I absolutely loved the decks that wrapped around the cottage and being able to sleep with the windows wide open! The smells and cold air, Ahh... total bliss.

Peaceful sunrise atop Sunset point... Beauty at its best!
Hickman natural bridge! Lois and I hiked up here and we were all alone for more than an hour taking in the beauty and photographing everything we could see!

A hidden treasure. We traveled to Torey, Ut this weekend to meet Galen's mom and tour Capitol Reef NP. I had an amazing time. Even though I was still fighting off a cold I was energized to hike and take in the beauty. Galen's mom and I woke up at the crack of dawn and took in the sunrise which was so amazing and truely peaceful. Not a soul to interfear with nature! I just sat on a rock ledge and took pictures. What an amazing adventure. I swear give me a camera and the outdoors and I could go play all day. I love exploring and documenting all that I see. One day I will travel the world and photograph it all! That is my true passion in life!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Happy potting....

I have been wanting pots for the front of our house for a while now and today Galen suprised me with some pots and some flowers for our anniversary. I think they turned out pretty darn cute! Although, it is tough to tell in the picture, they are glossed red, brown and have a hint of blue in them.... So very pretty! I am looking forward to landscaping our backyard this fall we found some really neat colored pots for the back yard. After hearing about gardens attracting snakes I have decided that I am just going to use the toppsy turny things and plant some tomatoes and what not in there. No snakes for me!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

My love, my life...

From here to eternity...
Two years ago we said, "I do!" That day I married my best friend. My other half, and the love of my life. That day we began a new journey together and let me just say it has been an amazing one so far. Every day I thank god for you and for the life we have together. Each day I fall in love with you all over again. I remember turning around after we said I do and " I got you babe..." started playing and being so happy and seeing the smile on your face, I melted! Thank you for all you do and for the life we have together. I can't wait to see what other chapters we write together. I love you! Happy 2 years!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sweet home Alabama...oops I mean Montana!

This picture was taken above the dam looking up the valley... The few white speckles on the left is the town I grew up in. Good old Thompson Falls.

Look at all that water going over the dam!

It's always good to go home and see family! It's funny, I have lived in Utah for most of my adult life and yet I don't think of Utah as "home". We have a beautiful house here, wonderful friends and it is where we live but it is not our "home" persay. I think it is because both of our hearts are in the Northwest. Don't get me wrong, I have no desire to live in the state of Montana but it would be nice to be closer to my family. Growing up in the Northwest I think I took for granted the lifestyle and the beauty. It is truely "God's Country!"

Thursday, June 3, 2010

It is going to be sew fun...

I just ordered 2 kits for making pettiskirts. They are so cute! I hope they are easy to make. I can't wait to go to Montana and have my mom help me make them, oh and teach me how to set the tension on my sewing machine so I can actually sew my self.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Confessions of a shopaholic....

I may not be Rebecca Bloomwood but I do share the love for shopping. You might have watched Confessions of a shopaholic or read the book and thought who would actually feel that way about shopping but it's true. When I saw this movie, I finally felt understood. This is me, I feel this way too, I know how she feels, this movie is about me! Granted I know it was a movie but I swear it was about me.

When I smell good leather it's like a breath of fresh air or when I see a beautiful display I get butterflies. Nothing brightens my day more than finding a cute pair of shoes, a new handbag or a new outfit that fits just perfect. You might think I am compensating for something but I have been this way since I was a little girl. Not a justification, just the truth!

I remember going shopping when I was little and when most kids want toys but not me I had to have a brand new pair of shoes. From the time I can remember I have always been a shoe lover. Then I got a little older and my cousin Kym would come from California for the summer and she ALWAYS had beautiful handbags and thus the handbag obsession began. My mom and Grandma would always take me shopping for the cutest new outfits, I was always pretty decked out even in my "tomboy" days. I remember when I was going into the 4th grade I went to my cousins wedding in California and that is when I got my first actual purse and my first pair of big "California" sunglasses, I felt like a movie star! Plus, my cousins husband Robert bought me a LL cool J CD and holy cow I thought I was the!

Unlike Rebecca Bloomwood, I am not in massive credit card debit but like Rebecca I am a shopaholic. I love the rush of shopping. I love the smell of new clothing. I love the way I feel when I have had a successful shopping excursion. You might be wondering why now, I am coming to this conclusion. Let me just fill you in...Today I decided to check out where exactly I spend my money and set up a budget so that we could one day start a family. Well to my shock I spend a lot more money on clothing than I thought I did. So I have placed myself on a budget and I set up a system to notify me via email and text messages when I am nearing my budget goals. I'm not ready to give up shopping completely nor do I know if I ever will but I am committed to following my budget and beginning to live a more moderate lifestyle. So here is to the girl in the green scarf from another girl in a green scarf!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

I love my mom!

I am so fortunate and so blessed to have such an amazing mom. She really is the best mom in the world. I know this for a few reasons 1. she told me so (LOL, Just kidding) ok for the real number 1.

1. After growing up and getting out of my snotty teenage years, I was able to look back at all the awful things I said and did and my mom was still there. She was/is always there as my biggest supporter and never waivers. 2. All my friends always told me so! Everyone always said my mom was the best mom ever. So, I feel that I can 100% say so because obviously it isn't just my opinion! :) I'm lucky to have always had a wonderful relationship with my mom.

Every Fall she and I take a road trip usually to the Grand Canyon and what not but my absolute favorite was when we packed in the Grand Canyon, Zion, BBQ in the park and then a trip to California and the Ocean all in one short week. We had so so much fun! Oh and don't worry I got us lost in one of the worst parts of LA but I managed to some how find a Starbucks and get directions out of there! It's true, I inheritted the gene for being able to locate a Starbucks no matter where we are from her :) It has saved my life more than once.

Last year my aunt and my cousin Rilye were able to join us. We all had so much fun, I hope that they too can continue this tradition and spend some quality girl time together. I know I look forward to it all year long. I wish I lived closer to my mom, as I do miss her greatly! I love you mom! Happy Mother's day!

Friday, May 7, 2010


Well it is official I am basically done with school. I was supposed to walk today but decided I really didn't want to since my senior paper is not yet approved. Instead we hung out and went out to dinner. I must say that was a better use of our time than sitting in the Burns arena. I am not all sold on the whole sentimental aspect of walking. I was in Basic training for my high school graduation and have not missed that for the last 9 years so can't imagine I will miss this. Plus, I still have no idea what I want to do so here is to more education until I figure it out....

Monday, May 3, 2010

The new band....

My new band for work. This isn't the best picture but it antique looking. I am excited to have a ring that I can wear to work and not worry about bashing up or losing a diamond or any thing. We bought the additional life time warranty so no worries! It might have cost more but in the long run with the luck I have had with my other bands it will be well worth the additional cost and well worth us not having to worry.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Hawaii, oh how I miss your sun, beaches and atmosphere! We will meet again soon, I promise! The last few years we have taken a Hawaiian vacation this time of the year. Normally, we would be leaving in just a couple weeks. This year we had a lot going on so we decided it would be best to wait until Fall. All I have to say is Fall is too far away. I am missing the thought of laying on the beaches and snorkeling oh so much! This year we have a few more friends that want to join the Melina's and the Johnson's on our Hawaiian adventure. I found a big house to rent for the week. It has a huge deck that we could relax on and it isn't too far from the beach and it pretty close to all the things we like to do and definately not as far out of the way as TurtleBay was last year! Turtle Bay was a beautiful resort but it took so long to get anywhere. Although, I did like the private beach, the spa and that the boys were able to get in a round of golf any time they wanted. I think it will be fun, us girls can go to the beach, shopping and to the spa and the boys well, they can golf or whatever they want but all I have to say is don't interrupt my tanning!

PS. Galen if you are reading this, we are going to do some hiking this year and no I don't mean golfing! It may be called a Vacation but you will have time to sleep when we are old and gray and for now we are gonna take in all the adventures we can :) ok? LOL!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Sun and fun...

What a great day. I woke up and went to Zumba with Jaime and danced our butts off! Then we headed up to Zion NP to go bike riding and bbq with Ryan, Michelle and their kids. Dodge was super excited! He was such a little trooper too. He road all but probably 300 ft. I was so suprised he made it all on his own. On the way back down he was trying to keep up with me and crashed and burned. He skinned his knee and it scared the poo out of him. After some tears and Michelle kissing it better we were off again. Little Addison road in her bike trailer and took in the sights. Now, that is the way to do it. I wonder if they make one big enough for me?

We went to the city park in Springdale and bbq'd hotdogs and hamburgers and even made s'mores. Dodge and Addison love Galen and it is so cute to watch him interact with them. Dodge is Galen's buddy they sat around the table telling knock knock jokes. It was pretty funny. Addison has developed this soft little personality and voice that just makes you melt. She fed me marshmallos and chips and shared her food with Galen. Apparently, she loves to share. It was a great day. I can't wait to do it again.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Zumba, zumba!

My buddy Jaime took me to Zumba a couple weeks ago and I fell in love! Maybe it was Jaime grabbing my butt or maybe it was the sweat dripping down my face, I don't know... All I do know is for an hour 2 or 3 times a week I get to go be a goof ball and burn some calories while I'm at it! Who said working out needs to be hard? Not me, I love getting my sweat on to some music! Normally, I dread the actual getting up and getting to the gym but I honestly look forward to this class. Best part is, no one is an expert and while we are making fun of others who think they can dance, I know damn well they are making fun of me too and I don't feel bad! It makes me laugh when I try to do some of the moves and wish I had a mirror so I could laugh at myself but seriously I would be on the floor! It is so fun but dang it I wish I could move my butt like some of those latinas girls. I think it's because I don't have a butt and well shaking your tailbone isn't quite as cute as shaking your booty. If you have not tried Zumba it's a must!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Spring fever....

I love seeing the flowers blooming and the green grass growing and hearing the annoying birds chirping! The colors are just amazing! (Side note: when ever I think of green grass, I find my self saying this saying in my head that we had to say in Basic Training during our bayonet training... "what makes the green grass grow? BLOOD makes the green grass grow!") Ok, enough of my morbid sense of humor! Not only is the weather beautiful but I also know school is almost over. WOO HOO!

Soon it will be so hot all I want to do it sit in my a/c or swim in our pool but while it is in the 80's I am going to get as much outdoor fun as I can.  We have been on a couple bike rides and have another one planned for the weekend! I'm ready to do some more hiking and biking! Bring on the weekends!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Our first bike ride....

Galen and I have been a couple for almost 8 years and I honestly don't think we have ever went on a bike ride together. Many walks, runs & hikes but not bikes at least not that I can remember. So today we dug my bike out of the garage headed and fixed it up so that we could go on a ride. We planned to go on an actual ride however, by the time we got back from the bike store I had to go to class. When I got home Galen had fixed my chain and put on my new peddals and had the bikes ready to go. We just tooled around the neighborhood but it was fun to just get out together and enjoy the beautiful day. Sunday we are heading up to Pine Valley for a ride and a picnic.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Galen!

We celebrated Galen's 27th birthday today! I love trying to suprise Galen. I am a horrible liar and even more horrible about keeping secrets from Galen. He can read me like a book. On Monday after getting back from Oregon I borrowed Galen's truck and headed to Cedar to buy him a new bike for his birthday. Galen totally thought that I was having his windows tinted. (hope he isn't too disappointed) It was cold and raining and he told me that I wouldn't be able to get the windows tinted. He was trying to see if I would accidentally blow it and so I went with it. I called him and said that I was actually going to need his truck on Thursday. Joke was on him I was totally in Cedar City when I called. So I hid his bike in the garage and covered it with blankets. I was so proud of myself for pulling it off and didn't think about it after that.

Today, I left work and suprised Galen at his work with balloons and his favorite carrot cake. After work I picked up pizza for dinner so we could watch the Yankee game. As I am driving home my mom calls to see how Galen liked his bike. I begin telling her how I hid it in the garage and was going to give it to him when I got home. Then, I turn down our street and I see our trash can sitting on the curb... I think oh crap he has seen the bike! I blew it! I hang up and hurry inside and well needless to say if he did see it, he is the best liar ever:) Success! Happy birthday love!

Monday, April 5, 2010

It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring....

Otherwise known as our Easter weekend trip to Portland, OR. We headed out last Thursday to spend the weekend with Galen's family and for a suprise birthday for a family friends. Which his family had been planning for like 6 months and pulled it off with out a hitch. Totally awesome!

Galen's mom picked us up at the airport and we headed straight to Kenny & Zukes for a late lunch/dinner with Galen's dad. Galen has been talking about this place since he visited there with his sister durning our last trip to Oregon, last June. According to Galen, "they have the best Pastrami ever." Since well, I am a chicken and I don't really like meat, I went with a hotdog. I did try the Pastrami fries which weren't too bad... (not my favorite but don't tell Galen)

After dinner we walked around the Pearl District with Carl. It was "First Thursday" the art galleries were free and there were street vendors that were selling art and crafts. It was so fun. We went to a gallery called "Bullseye" or something like that. Any way they had a bunch of glass pieces, my favorite was a glass camera and a glass apron. I totally enjoyed all of the buildings downtown. I was bummed I didn't bring my camera with us. We went to "Cupcake Jones" for dessert and OMG, they are best cupcakes ever! I highly suggest this place.

Friday, we went Boutique shopping with Lois. Galen wasn't excited but I was! I totally love boutique shopping. It reminded me of our trip to NYC. Definately a highlight for me. We met Galen's sister for dinner at Bamboo Sushi which was totally amazing. We love sushi! Then we wrapped up the night with a movie (The Blindside) at McMinnamins Pub (pretty sure I didn't spell that correct) this too was fun. I think this was Galen's favorite part even though he didn't want to really go there. But honestly who wouldn't like a movie theater where you can order food and drink beer. Totally a different movie experience than I am used to. The place was awesome, down below there were tables and up above where we sat it was theater seating and then every other row was replaced with a table. If you are ever in Portland it is a must try even if you don't want to drink beer :) My ginger ale was wonderful...

On to Saturday... We woke up and Carl made sourdough waffles. Waffles are my all time favorite and so is sourdough so it was a great day for me. Then we went hiking up to some waterfalls. Hiking in Oregon is amazing. The forest looks as though it is a live, all the trees have moss hanging down like fur.

Time to PAR-tay! The suprise party went off with out a hitch. Gough  walked into the restraunt and was totally suprised. We got to see a lot of people Galen's family knows from Moscow and Mark, Sarah and Julia Galen's friends from Moscow . We finally met Mark and Sarah's beautiful boys! Noah and Silas are total hams. (Galen is now baby hungry) He keeps telling me how cute their babies are. It is pretty cute because this is a side of Galen I haven't ever really seen.

Sunday we went for a walk and Lois made meatballs and sauce for dinner. They all are wonderful cooks. I need to learn how to cook still. It was fun to finally see Galen's parents new home. I loved it and I was suprised Galen did too. Galen is kind of territorial and I didn't think he would like it since it wasn't the Moscow farm. The house has so much character and a great livingroom and a fun studio above the garage. It really fits his mom.

Our flight was delayed an hour which, I think is a pattern the last time it was too! But overal it was a good flight. Up came Galen's bag and then we waited and waited and my bag never popped up. I was getting nervous but in the middle they had switched another flights luggage to a near by carosel so I thought I would check to see just in case there was a mix up. Then I see a grey bag and I yelled to Galen to help me get it. He comes back and says that isn't yours. So panic sets in... Galen heads to the office and I just stood between the two looking for my bag and thinking I have flown my entire life and this has never happened. Galen comes back and says it appears someone accidentally took my bag instead of theirs and they pulled the other bag and trying to contact the passenger. All I can think about is my new boots, all my other shoes, my clothes and I start doing the math and I'm frantically telling my mom I have over $400 worth of shoes in that bag alone not to mention all the clothing and 2 Northface coats. Finally they got a hold of the guy and had him bring back my bag. I have never been so shocked and sad all at once. I just sat outside the office ready to cry. Galen though jumped into action and handled everything so well and just got things done. Needless to say we got a travel voucher for having to sit there for so long.

In the end it all worked out and we had a great visit. Even with the rain! I officially am homesick for the Northwest.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I have the best hubby in the world...

So, I have been sick since Sunday and even though I am a whiny baby when I am sick my husband has made me homemade chicken noodle soup and taken care of me without complaining at all... The other day he was told about a "home remedy" that "works wonders"...Needless to say, I woke up to him putting a maxi pad that had vix smeared on it on my throat. I gotta give him props I don't know any other man that would do that just in hopes it would make his wife feel better. I don't know if it helped but we will say it did because it is the thought the counts. Like I said he is the best hubby ever. Now all I need is to be able to get some sleep at night! Dang this cold...

Thursday, February 25, 2010

For a good cause....

I need your help! On March 24th I am going to "jail" for Jerry's kids. (Muscular Dystrophy Association) You can help me raise my bail money before the 24th by going to and making a donation to MDA. Thank you for your help!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Saying goodbye...

Galen and I went to Ohio this week to say goodbye to a great lady. Galen's Auntie(which was really the only grandmother he knew on his dad's side)passed away and we went with his family to celebrate her life. It was a great service. The greatest thing was listening to all the stories that people had about his auntie, whether they knew her for a minute or a life time the story was always the same about how loving and great of a woman she was. I know this has been extremely hard for Galen and his family and I am glad that I was able to meet this lady that touch so many people. Galen was able to reconnect with his cousins that he hadn't seen in over 12 years. It was neat to meet some more of his family. Sad that it had to be this way. Thank you Auntie for being such a wonderful person. You will be greatly missed...

Friday, January 15, 2010

2010 we have officially begun...

We are officially almost 1 month in to 2010... Here is an update of what is going on in our lives. Galen is working like crazy to win his family weight lose challeng. I on the other hand am working really hard to gain the weight he has lost:) Galen has done such an amazing job of not only being in the lead of the weight loss challenge but also changing his eating habits and going to the gym daily. I admire him for this because I simply love junk food way too much. Plus, even though I love to run, bike and swim; I never make time for it. Galen has been pretty tied up with this weight loss challenge and of course getting ready for softball!
Galen's resoultuions for the new year..
1. stay healthy
2. find a new job
3. this is mine for him: not leave his socks on the coffee table:)

As for me... Well, I am back to school after a nice long Christmas break. My count down to the end of my degree has begun. I can officially say 1 week down. I am dreading this semester because well, it is all the classes I put off taking. But I will feel better when I am done or at least that is what I keep telling myself. I have been busy getting back into photography( as well as getting back into sewing and making fun stuff. I am working on teaching myself how to knit, not too sure this is going to work out for me:) Here are some of the New Year's resolutions I have made...
1. Take myself to Paris next year
2. Not let the little things get me down
3. Run the St.G marathon (reality: with work and school this is going to fall on my list next year but it is a goal)
4. Enjoy life! Definately need my beach cruiser bike for this task! Hint, hint Galen:)

Mack, well he has been busy distroying all the toys he got for Christmas and being our best friend. I often wonder what goes through his head or what he would say if he could talk. I have never met a dog like him. I never knew a dog could have such a personality. I truely believe he makes us better people.
Macks resolutions...
1. use my dog bed
2. not sleep 24/7/365
3. go to the park more

In a nut shell that is what we have on our plates. I can't believe 1 month is down in 2010...time flies so lets have some fun! Oh and we are going to be an aunt and uncle; my brother and his wife are having a baby(July 31).