
family (1) Spring (2) vacation (1)

Thursday, September 16, 2010


So yesterday, I left work and noticed my gas light had popped on. In my brillant time saving mind frame, I thought, oh I have plenty of gas to run home and then to the Millers and stop at Costco after my hair cut. Well let me just tell you... it did not happen like that. I left the Millers, got to the end of their street, and my car was acting weird so I pulled over and then my car dies. Oooops no gas! When I realize what happened, I start laughing hysterically because this has NEVER happened to me before. My VW, I could drive to Vegas after my gas light came on and be ok. Not so much with this car...

So what do I do.... I call Galen instead of huffing it to the Millers and borrowing their gas can and never telling my husband. I must not have been thinking clearly because again in my saving time mind frame, I think well Galen is leaving to meet me at our hair appointment, I will just call him. He will think it was as funny as I do. Ummm, not so much to my suprise! He was PISSED and he never gets mad at me. And let me tell you I should have been blonde, I am always doing something silly.

So of course, I can't take him seriously as he is telling me he can't believe I did this and so on...(which my laughing probably made things much worse) But seriously is was so funny and I knew deep down he thought it was funny too!

In my mind I was calculating how much time I would save by doing it this way. Then I'm sitting there with no gas and the senario keeps playing through my head and I keep laughing harder and harder... Galen gets to my car and informs me how many gas stations I passed on my way to Jaime's house and I'm thinking I know silly goose but I like Costco gas better and I had to go there any way. Gosh, why don't you understand I was trying to save time! Plus, I hate pumping gas! I hate how you smell after getting gas. Girls should not smell like they have been working on their car all day.

So life lessons learned... get gas before light comes on and if you don't, get it immediately. Next, if you ever run out of gas huff it to the nearest friends house or use your AAA (your husband kindly signed you up for, for this reason) and DO NOT let your husband find out:)

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