
family (1) Spring (2) vacation (1)

Monday, September 27, 2010

That doesn't happen in smallville....

So last Wednesday, my friend was at the bank here when it was robbed at gun point. Needless to say, her life probably won't be the same for a while. Everyone that was in the bank at the time is safe and they caught the stupid robbers but not before they changed the lives of many people that were in the bank. I have been thinking about my friend and just so thankfull nothing happened to her. But then I get caught in this thought of, these things don't happen here and they sure don't happen to people I know... but they do and St.G isn't as safe as it once was.

I moved from small town Montana to St. Geoge. While it is much bigger than where I grew up it still has that "small town" feeling. I just can't believe the crime that has been erupting here as of late. I used to feel safe, feel like I did growning up in Montana but now I just think that everyone is crazy!

I know things happen every where and no where is exempt. I used to say I wouldn't want to live in Salt Lake because of the gangs and crime but thinking about it atleast I would be weary of things and not so shocked when bad things happen. For now, I just hope my friend is able to heal from the emotional trauma these stupid robbers caused and I hope the robbers get punished to the full extent!

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