
family (1) Spring (2) vacation (1)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I am thankful......

So the last few days Galen hasn't been feeling well and his dad suggested he have his blood sugar checked. So he went to the doc yesterday (Tuesday) and they ran a bunch of tests and today (Wednesday) he found out he has diabetes. We won't know until the rest of his test get back if it is Type 1 or 2. So for now he has to check his blood sugar and take insulin at night. I am sure he will have to change what he eats so thank goodness we have been eating a little more healthier and it will just have to get more healthy from here. I am so thankful he actually went to the doc because normally he puts off the doc until the last minute. * I have always found this strange since his dad is a doctor and yet Galen hates going to doctors....I guess maybe it is unfamiliar since he has had his dad his entire life where I am used to seeing someone I don't know. Back to my story...He is ok, I think in shock as am I. I know his dad has always worried about that for him but I guess I felt like he is active its not like he sits on the couch and drinks beer all day, he has started eating better and but I guess it just goes to show you things like this don't discriminate and you just have to take it in stride and be thankful you have your life and you know what to do to improve it.  I am very thankful that it is something he can manage and he is going to be ok once it gets under control. I just hate the feeling of unknown and I hate that he doesn't feel good. So in honor of Thanksgiving and being thankful. I am thankful for my husband and I am thankful for our families and friends and I am thankful that we know what is wrong and it can be fixed.

1 comment:

  1. I like this post! I'm thankful for good friends such as you guys! Take care! Love you (:
