
family (1) Spring (2) vacation (1)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I left my heart in Montana...

If home is where your heart is my home is definately UTAH Montana....I miss the wide open, the smell of the mountain air, waking up to the river rushing by and the sounds the mountains have... Don't get me wrong Utah has it's perks but it has nothing on Montana's beauty...  I love going home and seeing my family but it always seems a week is not long enough to get done all I want. All the fun things, like floating the Coeur d' Alene river or huckleberry picking rather eating huckleberries, camping ok campfires and fishing... Who would have thought I would say I miss fishing. The girl that felt so bad for the fishies that she kissed them better before throwing them back in the water ya that girl... I miss fishing! Eating fish no, eating sushi yes! Weird I know... But I really do miss Montana this time of the year... well and Fall to but other than that you can keep your winters Montana! I like my sunshine!!

But most of all I miss my family! I miss my grandparents and I miss my cousins and picking on my little brother and listening to my older brother tell stories (if you know him, this may suprise you as he doesn't talk much). I miss And I miss my Sunday morning breakfast with my parents and my brothers and sitting around my grandparents table talking and enjoying each other.... but now I have a cute little nephew and a cute little niece that I love so much and wish I could see every day!!

Luckily while I was home I got to attend my little nephews birthday party, we had a family BBQ the only family member not in attendance was my husband.... G we missed you! :( but that's ok he can't avoid MT forever LOL! I pretty much had an awesome week and wish it would have lasted for-ev-ER!